most important thing i’ve learned this week is that you can use creme fraiche instead of yogurt in pancakes, but the pancakes will be denser, dramatically golden in color, and brown in an uneven way rather than uniformly across the surface of the pancake (the latter at least is presumably because of the higher fat content? since it looked similar to the effect of adding extra oil to the pan)



I love it when I click on a recipe link because it sounds yummy and instead of a recipe I get a several page dissertation on a food blogger’s boredom with her marriage and lies she was told in childhood

this ending in a recipe literally changed my fucking life i thought i was being spread some fucking truisms abt the ugliness of marriage but it was literally a preamble to creme brulee brownies. writing is fake


what ice-t could have meant by “TV is make believe” when told he ate a bagel on law & order:

-a stunt double of some kind ate the bagel

-the bagel wasn’t actually a bagel; was perhaps a donut

-the bagel was cgi

-he ate the bagel but considers it his character eating the bagel and not him